Clever Questions.
Elegant Solutions.
Complex challenges often have hidden and elegantly simple solutions.
Jude helps businesses uncover them.
Jude is a creative technologist, designer and chartered engineer who also thinks like an artist. He takes a holistic approach to problem solving and enthuse organisations to embrace changes for the better.
He empowers individuals and businesses to become the architect of their own solutions. He believes that by asking the most relevant questions, the solution will address core issues with long-lasting benefits.
Jude is one of the eight featured inventors for the iconic BBC Big Life Fix with Simon Reeve TV documentary.
Speaking in *The Power of Film and Moving Image*, at the RI (Royal Institute) alongside John Simpson, Stephen Bayley, Germane Greer, Melvyn Bragg, Christine Amanpour et al.
Jude's "Bona Fide Hat" featured in the "Spirit of Invention" exhibition by The National Archive, UK.
Featured Interview with IMechE, which awarded Jude the Alastair Graham-Bryce "Imagineering" Award (2020).
Creative Technologist, Designer, and Chartered Engineer - Jude Pullen is winner of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Alastair Graham-Bryce "Imagineering" Award (2020) and one of the eight featured inventors in BBC Two's Big Life Fix documentary series that helps people with disabilities through technology and design.
A Few of Jude’s Design Journey Footprints:
BBC (Featured Inventor) · Channel 4 (Prototyping Expert/David Jason’s onscreen Engineering sidekick) · Discovery Channel (designer of firefighting robot) · NHS Scotland (Designer, anesthetic operation pressure alert device) · Children in Need (Featured Inventor) · LEGO (Design Direction) · Dyson (New Product Development & Ideas) · National Archives (Inventor/Spirit of Invention Exhibition) · Pentagram (Design Futurist) · IKEA (Creative Technologist) · Sugru (Head of R&D + Tech) · RS Components (Creative Technologist & Strategist) · Primary Engineers (Creative Technologist) · Design Council (Design Associate) · Design Museum (Mentor) Visit Jude’s LinkedIn Profile for full list & details.
Big Life Fix: Helping Kyle achieve his hairdressing dream - BBC Stories
Kyle dreams of becoming a hairdresser but one of his hands didn’t develop properly in the womb so he finds it impossible. Jude was tasked to come up with a tool to make Kyle's dream a reality.
22-year old James was terminally ill. He loved taking photos but his condition meant his fingers had fused together making it impossible to use a camera by himself. So the BBC introduced him to designer Jude Pullen who has come up with a clever solution to capture his unique perspective on life, through his art.
An award-winning digital/physical interface to reach out to the rest of the world during Covid Lockdown when the sense of isolation loomed.
“By changing just 5 degrees on the globe, your perspective is shifted”
A commission by the National Archives UK, as part of their first-of-a-kind exhibition on The Spirit of Invention.
The “Super Cool Social Networking Hat” is both a solar-powered tech update, and a meditation on online privacy and ethics.

The Human Story in Tech
Jude Pullen engages with unconventional challenges - be it mechanical, technical or philosophical. He creates solutions as well as provocations. What characterises his multi-disciplinary work is a dedication to the human story.
Dyson (New Product Ideas and New Product Development)
Sugru’s patented ‘Kid-Safe’ formula.
IKEA, future-of-living ideation
LEGO Creative Play Lab
LEGO Ventures
LEGO Licensing -
Inventor, The National Archives
Hire Jude to…
Beyond Tellerant, Royal Institute, among others
RS Components
Freelance Design Futurist for Pentagram
Children in Need,
with Mace Construction (who also built The Shard) -
Design Museum
(Ambessa Play, HTCH.app, and more)
Inventor/Expert - BBC Two's Big Life Fix with Simon Reeve, 2 Seasons.
Tasked with making over 10 'inventions', as well as a 'grand finale' for a TV documentary about British inventions that has shaped out lives in obvious and sometimes subtle ways. On screen as 'engineering side-kick' to Sir David Jason.
Discovery Channel programme “Prototype This!“, as well as human-sized Hexapod Robots.
TEDx (Why Creativity Loves Uncertainty)
CMC Markets, (FinTech)
Imperial College London
Contact Jude to start a conversation - Today!